Parametric Modelling for
Centre Pompidou-Metz
-parametric modelling by Jiaxin Yun
Background Information

parametric modelling process:
1. draw out the outline and basic geometry shapes of the canopy and building blocks based on the original plans of the floors and top canopies.

2.Using Grasshopper plug-in to make the hexagon timber trusses

3.Using Kangaroo plug-in to make the self-standing load bearing canopy which follows the physical principles


4. Projecting the step 2 truss along z direction onto the step 3 canopy

The real challenging is to reach the perfect hexagon canopy base by Kangaroo plug-in
Here is the other approach by simply control points

Another Solutions:
1. Detaching the points from the surface and regroup them
better landing proportions
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